

Greetings, Esteemed Members of Our University Community,

It is with immense pleasure that I extend my heartfelt regards to each and every one of you. As the Dean of Students Welfare, I am honored to lead our collective journey towards fostering an environment where every student can not only succeed but also flourish in all aspects of their lives.

Our dedication to your holistic well-being transcends the boundaries of conventional education. We are deeply committed to creating a nurturing ecosystem that not only encourages academic excellence but also prioritizes your physical health, social welfare, and artistic pursuits. Through a plethora of meticulously curated programs and activities, we endeavor to unlock the boundless potential inherent within each of you, nurturing a culture of creativity, innovation, and self-expression.

Central to our mission is the commitment to ensuring discipline and safety for all. We are steadfast in our resolve to swiftly address any instances of misconduct or irregularities, steadfastly upholding the sanctity and security of our student body.

In our relentless pursuit of excellence, we are forging robust partnerships with different organizations, national as well as international. By expanding our collaborative efforts both nationally and internationally, we are broadening the horizons of opportunities available to our students, enriching their University experience and empowering them to make meaningful contributions to society.

I am profoundly grateful for the tireless dedication of my esteemed colleagues, whose support and dedication are the cornerstone of our success. Moreover, I extend my heartfelt appreciation to our esteemed Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Nilofer Khan, for her guidance and support.

Together, let us explore this exhilarating journey of growth, exploration, and self-discovery, as we strive to create a vibrant and inclusive university community where every student is empowered to realize their fullest potential and emerge as compassionate leaders and change-makers of tomorrow.

With warmest regards,

Prof. Shamim Ahmad Shah
Dean, Students Welfare


Prof. Shamim Ahmad Shah